The Orange High School Marine Corps JROTC Association is a non-profit tax-exempt corporation that provides supplemental funding for Orange High MCJROTC unit activities and events, and also sponsors the annual James H. Fearns Memorial Scholarship. All donations to the Association are tax deductible, and are used exclusively to support and benefit the Orange High School MCJROTC Program.
Basic funding for the MCJROTC program is received from the United States Marine Corps and the Orange Unified School District. However, this funding is not adequate to cover the costs of all events and activities undertaken by the cadets, and as a result the program must rely on donations and funding from other sources.
We welcome donations of any amount, which should be payable to “Orange High MCJROTC Association” and mailed to the Association offices at 59 Peters Canyon Road, Irvine, CA 92606. Annual financial statements for the Association which detail all donations received and expenses/activities supported are prepared and filed each fiscal year and available upon request.
OHS – MCJROTC Corp IRS Tax Exemption Letter
OHS – MCJROTC Corp FTB (Calif) Tax Exemption Ltr
If you have any questions regarding our current fundraising activities, or if you have any great ideas for future fundraising, please contact Geoffrey Fearns at or the SMI.